Gifts of Cash

Gifts of Cash
An older man and a younger man talk to each other at an event

Making a gift of cash is easy

One of the easiest and most common ways for you to support UNH is with a gift of cash. Cash can be used to support students and programs in the form of:

An outright gift. By making a cash gift by check, credit card or money order today, you enable us to meet immediate needs of UNH and our students. You will have the opportunity to see your generosity in action and will also receive a federal income tax charitable deduction, when/if you itemize.

A payable on death (POD) account. A POD bank account or certificate of deposit names one or more persons or charities as the beneficiary of all funds once you, the account owner, pass away. The beneficiary you name has no rights to the funds until after your lifetime. Until that time, you remain in control and are free to use the money in the bank account, change the beneficiary, or close the account.

There are several other ways to make cash donations as part of the gift types below. To learn more, click on the links below:

Ways to Use Cash

  • A gift in your will or living trust. Through a gift in your will or living trust, you can support UNH with a specific amount of money. This type of gift allows you the flexibility to change your mind at any time.
  • A charitable gift annuity. This is a relatively common way to make a gift when you wish to support UNH as well as yourself and/or a loved one with fixed payments for life. You can create a charitable gift annuity with cash in the form of a check. A charitable gift annuity typically works well for those 60 and older. You can even opt for a deferred charitable gift annuity if you do not need the income right away.
  • A charitable remainder trust. Cash is the easiest and least complicated way to fund a charitable remainder trust. This type of gift can often provide the necessary liquidity to provide for payments to the income beneficiary if the trust is funded with hard-to-sell assets.
  • A donor-advised fund.  Working for you like a charitable savings account, a donor-advised fund gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to UNH and other qualified charities.
  • An endowed gift. Create an endowment or contribute to one that is already established to ensure that your support of UNH will last forever. We can help guide you to the designation--or help you create your own--that means the most to you.
Students sitting and talking on the green outside of Thompson Hall

Next Steps

  1.  Contact UNH's Office of Gift Planning so we can help you direct your gift of cash to the UNH cause that means the most to you.
  2. ​ Discuss the giving options with your personal advisors to be sure the gift vehicle you choose is the right fit for you.
  3.   Please let us know if you have made this gift to UNH in your estate plans, and we would be happy to recognize you in our Thompson Society, a special community of forward-thinking UNH alumni and friends who have created their legacy here. It is important to complete simple documentation with UNH to ensure we honor your wishes down the line.

Please feel free to share the sample bequest language below with your attorney:

Sample Language
“I give to the University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc., at 9 Edgewood Road, Durham NH 03824, a New Hampshire nonprofit corporation, or its successor, Federal Tax Identification Number 02‐0437506, [insert here a description of the particular property]."

Please use the legal information below and share with your trusted advisors.

Legal Name: The University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc.
Address: 9 Edgewood Road, Durham NH 03824
Tax ID: 02‐0437506

We're here to help you!

Please contact the UNH Office of Gift Planning with your questions.


Phone: (603) 862-3694

Welcome to the Thompson Society!

Thompson Society UNH

During the Celebrate 150 Campaign (2012-2018), more than 200 families made planned gifts to UNH, ranging from $10,000 to millions of dollars, which have already started to have an impact on future generations. But the story of legacy goes back to the origins of UNH when Benjamin Thompson left his farm and other assets to establish what would ultimately become the Durham campus of the University of New Hampshire.

The Thompson legacy has impacted hundreds of thousands of lives, and yours can, too.

As a legacy donor, you'll become a member of the Thompson Society, a distinguished group of supporters who have documented planned gifts to UNH. The UNH Office of Gift Planning will work with you to explore options that best meet your philanthropic goals and timeline--whether you wish to make an immediate impact, generate income with your gift, or make gifts through your will. 

We look forward to welcoming you to this prestigious membership of generous donors providing support to generations of Wildcats to come, and we are honored to work with you to create your UNH legacy.