Checklist for Students Who Are Graduating Or Leaving UNH

Check Your Student Account

  • Please pay any outstanding account balances to avoid any delays in receiving grades, diploma, or transcripts.  If a credit exists you may request a refund in Webcat or contact Student Accounts at
  • To view your account sign into Webcat Billing  View your account/Pay Bill.

Campus Housing

  • Check out of your room and be sure to turn in your room key.


  • Please return all library books and media, and close out rented library lockers to avoid replacement charges. Once you graduate, you are entitled to a UNH Library card indefinitely, but you must first return all books and media before your library account can be converted to a lifetime membership. If you are transitioning from undergraduate to graduate student you must also return material borrowed as an undergraduate before extended-time privileges are granted for future checkouts.

Dining & Cat's Cache

  • Clear out your Cat's Cache account if you are not planning to use it further.  You can do this by contacting UNH Dining Services at (603) 862-1821 or Once you have put your request into Dining, they will move any credit you have from Cat's Cache to your UNH Student Account. 
  • If you are leaving before the end of a semester, contact Dining about any possible refund of meal plans.

Update Your Address

  • Be sure that your address is up-to-date so you may receive your refund, diploma, tax documents, or any further correspondence from UNH. If you need to change your permanent or diploma mailing address, please complete an Address Change Form and provide it to the UNH Registrar's Office in Stoke Hall (603) 862-1500.

Health Services

  • If you've been seen at Health Services recently, check to see if you have a balance. Contact Health Services at (603) 862-9355

Leave of Absence or Withdrawal

  • Students taking leave or withdrawing from UNH should contact the Registrar’s Office (603) 862-1500 to complete a withdrawal/leave of absence form and officially update student status.

Exit Counseling

  • If you have had any federal loans (Direct or Perkins), you will need to complete exit counseling. Exit counseling is completed separately for Direct and Perkins loans. Through this counseling, you will receive loan information and assistance with budget planning. You will be asked to provide information including personal references and your driver's license number. As this is a federally-mandated requirement, grades, diplomas, and transcripts will be held if exit counseling is not completed. Please refer to the Loan Requirements for further information.

Nelnet Monthly Payments

  • Nelnet Monthly Payments – please log into Webcat or Parent Portal to cancel any future scheduled payments.

Students Leaving Due To Academic Exclusion, Suspension, or Dismissal

  • Contact your College Dean’s Office either to resolve exclusion or petition suspension.  If you are not appealing, contacting the Dean’s Office is not necessary.
  • Nelnet Monthly Payments – please log into Webcat or Parent Portal to cancel any future scheduled payments.

Information Technology